
Kamis, 27 September 2012

Tower Tape Transcript of Garuda Flight 152

This transcript is from the tower tapes at Polonia airport near the Indonesian city of Medan, which was the intended destination of the ill-fated Garuda International Airlines Flight 152.

The pilot is identified by his flight number, GIA 152. All other flights in the transcript are from domestic airlines: MNA 241, a landing Merpati flight; and BOU 683, a departing Bouraq flight.

NOTE: At one point, the air traffic controller calls the Merpati flight by the wrong number, using the GIA 152 callsign that designates the Garuda flight.

GIA 152: Medan approach, GIA 152 passing 150

ATC: GIA 152 radar contact 43 miles. Descend to 3000 feet for runway 05, reduce speed to 220.

GIA 152: Descent 3,000 for runway 05. Reduce speed 220 knots GIA 152.

GIA 152: Approach, GIA 152, request reason reduce speed above 10,000, 220 knots.

ATC: OK sir, your traffic departure sir, now start engine, release traffic departure at or before 27.

GIA 152: 152 Like to maintain 210 knots, 250 knots and below 10,000.

ATC: OK. It's approved.

Merpati plane: MNA 241 passing 10,000.

ATC: MNA 241 your position now 11 miles on W11 . Contact 1212. Happy landing.

Merpati plane: Selamat siang. Terima kasih. (Translation: Good afternoon. Thank you)

ATC: Any time.

GIA 152: GIA 152 3000.

ATC: GIA 152 maintain 3000 feet for a while. Maintain heading Medan VOR, traffic now still taxi runway 23 .

GIA 152: Maintain 3000.

ATC: Merpati 152 (the controller means GIA 152) your turn left heading 240 vectoring for intercept ILS runway 05 from right side . Traffic now about rolling

ATC: GIA 152 do you read?

GIA 152: GIA 152 Say again?

ATC: Turn left heading a (pause) 240,235. Now vectoring for intercept ILS runway 05.

GIA 152: Roger heading 235 GIA 152.

GIA 152: 152 heading 235. Confirm are we cleared from a (pause) mountainous area?

ATC: Affirm sir! Continue turn left on heading 215.

GIA 152: On heading 215 GIA.

Bouraq plane: Good afternoon, approach. BOU 683 departed left turn

ATC: BOU 683 continue turn left on heading 120 initial 2,000 feet

(One line missing from transcript).

ATC: GIA 152, turn right heading 046 report established localizer

GIA 152: Turn right heading 040 GIA 152 check established.

ATC: Turning right sir.

GIA 152: Roger 152.

ATC: 152 Confirm you're making turning left now?

GIA 152: We are turning right now.

ATC: 152 OK you continue turning left now.

GIA 152: A (pause) confirm turning left? We are starting turning right now.

ATC: OK (pause) OK.

ATC: GIA 152 continue turn right heading 015.

GIA 152: (scream) Allahu akbar! (Translation: God is great!)

1 komentar:

  1. Wah seram kok bisa mis komunikasi gitu, ini kan kerjaan sehari2 dan g ada yang baru dipelajari, maksudnya sdh makanan sehari2.... Kabar2nya si petugas ATC jadi gila dan sampe skrg masih dirawat di RSJ Medan
